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Our Clan

``May all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here for a clan meeting!``

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Caveclan's camp is in an underground cave. There is one main cave for meetings and tunnels leading out of it to other exits and other caves used for dens.
Caveclan's territory is a thick forest filled with oaks and maples. A stream runs inside of it and there are many rocky areas.


Mistclan's camp lays between two streams near the center of their territory. Its is surrounded by thick brush.
Mistclan's territory is swampy with many streams. There is few prey there but some fish, snakes, a few birds and rodents.


Whisperclan's camp lay in a dip in the rolling hills. It is surrounded by heather and if you look hard enough, you could see it from far away.
Whisperclan's territory is open grassland with no trees, only open land. A small part of a stream runs through the clan's territory though the rest is open.


Emberclan's camp lay next to the single stream of their territory. It is surrounded by thick thorn bushes.
Emberclan's territory is made of a sparse forest and a dead forest. There is surprisingly a lot of prey in the sparse forest which takes up half of the territory but no prey in the dead half. One stream runs through their territory.


This border is almost completely separated by a stream with the excuse of a part near four trees.
This border is not too clearly marked but when it starts to change to swamp, you know you have gone too far.
This border is where the trees begin to change from old swamp trees to a few oaks and maples.
This border is a stream that covers most of the border with a small space near four trees without it.

Nuetral Territories

The four clans must gather at Four Trees every full moon to share news under the watchful eye of Starclan.
Medicine Cats must make the journey to the Moon Pool every half moon to share tongues with Starclan.

Unchartered Territories

This land in not Unchartered but very empty. It lays in Emberclan territory where a fire had once burned and never recovered. No animals live there and no animal should.
These are a set of mountains on the edge of Whisperclan's territory. Very few go here because of the dangers of falling, bears, foxes, and some twolegs. Though, you must pass through the lower end of them to get to the Moon Pool
A small town on the border of Caveclan's territory. Very few dare to go here though Kitty-pets and many loners and rogues reside there.


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